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Ed Thorn

Ed Thorn avatar

Former Reviews Editor

Ed is a former RPS' reviews editor, so he's got to write words and look at other people's words. He joined the team in 2020, having spent three years in Guides City covering all things esportsy, and any games ripe for a "How-To". Somehow, he's got a Master's degree in Publishing and a BA in Theology (he isn't religious, although does idolise Wario). Games have been a constant, beginning with arcade racers plucked from bargain bins or freebies from cereal boxes. Any genre catches his attention, but it's JRPGs like Yakuza, meaty shooters, Soulslikes, and emotional indies which truly make his head swivel. His spare time is spent playing badminton for his county, running, and relishing the delicious taste of orange and mango squash.