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November 2008 Archive

    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Kran-Simulator 2009
    1. The Many Doormen Of GTA IV
    2. Puzzlegeddon Outta Here... Oh, That Doesn't Work
    3. Far Cry 2 Best On PC Say EG
    1. For The Man With Two Brains: PongOut
    2. Kirri-Kirri-Kirri: Auditorium
    3. RPS Tees: The Perfect Christmas Gift, For Yourself
    4. The Lake
    5. Alpha Protocol Dev Commentary
    6. zOMG! It's zOMG!
    1. Tunnel-Vroom-Speed-Game: Pyroblazer Demo
    2. More Software Crime: Hacker Evolution: Untold
    3. WIN: Awesome Strategy Games And Stuff!
    4. RPS Talk-o-Tron Talkback-o-Tron #3
    5. Boogie Wasteland
    1. Spirit Levelling Up: The Spirit Engine 2
    2. Slow Learners: Disciples III
    3. PopCap And Anne Diamond Versus The Waistlines
    4. Keith Bakker: Compulsive Gaming Is Not Addiction
    5. What A Lot Of Rockets: TF2 Extreme!!!!!!!111one
    6. Starry Fight
    7. Rogue, The In-Game Browser
    8. New Prism, For Free
    9. Gravity Doesn't Get Me Down
    1. The Garden Of Eden, Baby: Fallout 3 Mod Tools
    2. A Gag No More: The 8-Bit WoW Dungeon
    3. ArmA 2: Dudes Make War, Not Love. Probably.
    4. RPS Podcast Takeover Prt 2: One Life Left
    5. Born To Run: QWOP
    6. PC Gamer Podcast - The Broken Edition
    7. Command. Also, Conquer: Red Alert 3 Demo
    8. I Like To Go Fast: Outrun 2006: Coast To Coast
    1. Eddie Van Halen On Keyboards: Guitar Geeks
    2. Wanted: Weapons Of Fate, Good Condition
    3. Zahada Than You Think
    1. PCGA President Randy Stude Talks Methodology
    2. The Sunday Papers
    3. Global Conflicts: Latin America
    4. Dawn Of The Left 4 Dead
    1. Arkham Asylum Trailer
    2. Night of the Cephalopods
    3. Dark Magicks: Doom In A Browser
    4. And It's Goodbye From Tabula Rasa...
    5. Mosby's Confederacy: Release Impressions
    6. Defender of Defender of the Crown? Well, A Bit...
    1. Quicksave-Fail: The Agony and The Ecstacy
    2. Eve Fanfest 2008 Videos
    3. Chet-Chat On Eurogamer
    4. Papervision
    5. Dawn Of War 2 Footage
    6. Looks Like You're Going To Have To... Download!
    1. The Google Wasteland
    2. DiRT ReTURNS
    3. "Hot Hot Hex": Elven Legacy
    4. Spare A Dollar For G-Man?
    5. GTA IV Gets Cinematic
    6. Cha$e: When Videogames Come To Life
    1. IF Comp 2008: Violet
    2. Left 4 Dead RPS Review Face-Off
    3. PC Gaming Hardware Boom
    4. Half-Life Turns Ten Today
    1. LoTR Online: speak friend and enter your username
    2. Cooking Mamarrrrrrrggggghhhh!
    3. Left 4 Dustbowl
    4. Space Giraffe PC Imminent
    5. Internet In New Games Blog Shocker!
    6. The Season Of The Witch
    7. EQ2: The Shadow Odyssey
    8. F.E.A.R. 2 Design Trailer
    9. Left 4 Dead Is Alive
    1. Tropico 3: Dictate Your Thoughts
    2. Retro: Where Time Stood Still
    3. In Holy Murloctrimony
    4. More On Cancelled Halo MMO
    5. Who Watches The... Ah, Fuggedit: Screenshots!
    6. Monday Space Shot
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Frenchman Apologises For World War One
    3. Video Game Piracy Taken Literally
    1. Ok. What: Quite Soulless
    2. World Of Goo Piracy Rate: "82%"
    1. She's On The Phone: Still Life 2 Debut Trailer
    2. Crazy Person Hits Level 80 In Lich King
    3. Moto GP '08 Demo
    4. Conan Update: "Epic And Memorable"
    5. World of Goo Vs. Piracy
    6. Prince of Persia Trailers Bonanza
    7. Left 4 Dead Gold & Pre-Loadable
    1. IncrediBots!
    2. Our Man In Northrend
    3. Virtual Skipper 5: Free Port!
    4. Blizzard's Next MMO: "New, and different."
    5. A Cry For Help - Edmund McMillen Collection
    1. Mosby's Confederacy In Motion And Not In Motion
    2. Win! Lich King Strategy Guide & Collector's Wotsit!
    3. Square Enix To Publish Supreme Commander 2
    4. RPS Talk-o-Tron Talkback-o-Tron #2
    5. Foot-to-ball Head-thinks: FIFA Manager 2009
    6. World Of Goo(d News): Euro Release Imminent
    1. The Witching 168 Hours: Left 4 Dead Demo
    2. King's Blather: Dissecting An Armoured Princess
    3. Court By The Fuzz? Tennis Elbow 2009 Demo
    4. RPS Wireless Show Ep6: Erik Wolpaw Speak-O-Chat
    5. PCGA on "The Piracy Challenge"
    6. Crayon Physics Deluxe Pre-Order - At Last!
    7. The Only Thing Missing Is Janet Ellis
    1. Splendid Indie: Grey Matter & A Cry For Help
    2. Ubisoft Bigs Up Massive
    3. RPS Exclusive: Left 4 Dead's Dead Air Campaign
    4. Ninth Art Meets Tenth Art: Games To Comics
    5. The Witcher Done Good?
    1. Retro: The Thing
    2. Eve: Quantum Rise Trailer
    3. That's Entertainment...
    4. The Sunday Papers
    5. Peculiarly Vehicular
    1. Street Fighting Men: Iron Grip: Warlord Demo
    2. An Eve FPS?
    3. Giant Eve Expansion For Summer '09
    4. New Cortex Command
    5. Free Realms Free
    1. Left 4 Dead Demo Contains Playable Infected
    2. Dead Space: Dead In the Water?
    3. The Calavera Chronicles
    4. The Sims 3 "Create-a-sim"
    5. Left 4 Dead Screenshot Galleries
    1. After The Storm, The Patching
    2. Left 4 Dead Early Access Demo
    1. The Livid Dead: L4D Versus Mode
    2. Some More Heroes: COH Expands Again
    3. X3: Non-playable Demo?
    4. Smite 'Em Up: Demigod Footage
    5. Born To Run, Etc
    1. Eight Hands-on: Left 4 Dead Impressions
    2. Far Cry 2 Tops Charts
    3. Steam Clouds Are Forecast (Ha Ha!)
    1. "Ultimate": Burnout Paradise in Feb '09
    2. Foot-to-ball-a-rama: Football Manager 2009 Demo
    3. The RPS Electronic Wireless Show Episode 5
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #53
    1. Er... We're A Bit Late: Nottingham GameCity
    2. Behind The Scenes On City of Heroes