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January 2008 Archive

    1. Speedball 2: Tournament Demo
    2. MEN of WAR
    3. Retro: Syndicate
    4. Eurogamer IGF Round-up
    5. Sins Of A Solar Empire, A Trailer
    1. Games for 2008: Braid
    2. Valve on Steamworks (And Magick Obscura)
    3. Just Cause 2 Announced
    4. Solar Empire Goes Gold and... ooh look at that!
    5. RPS Interview: PopCap on Casual, Peggle & Valve
    6. Off-Road Velociraptor Safari - Kill Now!
    1. Valve Release Steamworks
    2. Retro: Tron 2.0
    3. Games For 2008: Tiberium
    4. The Virtua Corps: Rossignol at the Escapist
    5. ModDB Mod of the Year 2007 Results
    6. Payback For Payback
    1. Flashing Pixels to Delight and Amuse
    2. Conflict: Denied Ops, But Allowed Demo
    3. News Just In: World of Warcraft Sells Many Copies
    4. I Am Become Death, Destroyer Of Virtual Worlds
    5. Games For 2008: Peggle Nights
    6. China To Curb Foreign MMOs?
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #14
    3. Last Alarm
    1. The Wonderful End of the World
    2. Conflict: Denied Ops, But Allowed Trailer
    3. Steve Meretzky: "The Most Perfect Game"
    4. King of the Wasteland: Vic Davis Interview
    5. BSA Piracy Study
    6. Rise And Rise
    1. Kane's Wrath Trailer
    2. Line Golfer
    3. Steamy (release) Windows (for Clear Sky)
    4. Post-Post Apocalyptic: Earthrise
    5. Freelance Hired: Mount & Blade finds a publisher
    6. Games For 2008: Multiwinia
    7. Coming In From The Cold: Cryostasis
    1. Games For 2008: Sins of a Solar Empire
    2. Ladies Of Leisure
    3. Steal This Game: The Dark Mod Alpha Demo
    4. Demo Impressions: Spandex Force
    5. Man vs Chair
    6. Crysis' Virtual London
    7. The NASA MMO
    8. Pirate Ships, Still No Ninja MMO
    9. TF2 Gets Unlockables
    10. Eragon Was Rubbish
    1. Assassin's Greed
    2. I Still Wish They'd Called it Far Cry 2: Cry Harder
    3. Demo Impressions: Assault Heroes
    4. Games For 2008: Borderlands
    5. Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
    1. Games For 2008: Prototype
    2. Savage 2: A Tortured Soul released
    3. Age Of Conan: Slips and Slides
    4. Battlefield Heroes
    5. Penny For Your Thoughts
    6. Retro: SimCity 2000
    1. Sim City For Everyone!
    2. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #13
    3. The Sunday Papers
    4. Gordon Freeman Calls Chatshow
    1. The Tiberium Trailer
    2. Brazil Go Crazy
    1. Games for 2008: Project Origin
    2. Game Writing Awards: Suspicious & Confusing
    3. Wicked Defense
    4. Making Of: The Sims
    5. There Can Only Be One Headline Anyone Will Use
    6. Bookworm Misadventures
    7. Crayon Physics Deluxe
    8. Strafe Jump To Cyberspace
    1. Fallen Empire: Legions
    2. Practical Magic: Audiosurf
    3. Beastiality's Not Great, Boys: Zoo Race
    4. A Suitable Boy
    5. Games For 2008: Age Of Conan
    1. X-Complimentary
    2. World of Goo(d)
    3. Justice At Last!
    4. The Agency Opens A Window
    5. CrosuS: Mod Management
    6. Games For 2008: Alan Wake
    7. RPS Exclusive: Raph Koster on The MMO
    1. Games For 2008: Space Siege
    2. Inside Introversion: A Documentary
    3. Afternoon Valve Nonsense Round-Up
    4. Inhuman After All: ROBOT! ROBOT! ROBOT!
    5. The Dwarf Fortress Graphical Itch
    6. Big Huge Cheques
    1. Games for 2008: Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
    2. GlaDOS On Another OS
    3. Soulstorm Demo
    4. Knives Are Daggerous (Geddit?)
    5. Best Avoid Spies Now
    6. Transmissions From Cactus
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #12
    1. RPS Exclusive: Ron Gilbert Interview
    1. Chivalry Is Not Dead
    2. Games For 2008: Far Cry 2
    3. Born To Run: Mirror's Edge
    4. More Gaming Virtuality
    1. Valve Buys Pet Turtle
    2. True 3D Gaming
    3. Portal Post-mortem posted
    4. Games For 2008: Warhammer Online
    5. Thursday, er, Thownloads
    1. RPS Exclusive: Soren Johnson on Everything PC
    2. Free Portal
    3. McGonigal's Year In Review
    4. Ron Gilbert's New Game Announced
    5. Games For 2008: Spore
    6. Make Out, Fallout 2, Make Up (the rest)
    7. The Hidden Truth Of The Gaming Toilet
    1. Games for 2008: Fallout 3
    2. How Gamers Will Save The World
    3. Indecision Over Mafia-Developer Purchase Pun
    4. Online Predators
    5. Hunter/Teacherer?
    6. Killing Beasts (In Space)
    7. Guest House
    1. Is RPS Gaming's Stupidest Website?
    2. Kane Enabled
    3. Games For 2008: Starcraft 2
    1. Strafe Left: The Formative Years #11
    2. Portal Continues To Make Loons Of Us All
    3. StarGate Worlds
    1. Powered By At Least 70 Hamsters
    2. Far Cry 2 - Which Engine Was That Again?
    3. Demigod Fully Announced
    4. Cursor * 10
    1. Gaming Innovation Database
    2. Game-Err
    3. Dad & Doom
    4. Universally Free Combat
    5. The Joy Of Co-Op
    6. T-Cube
    1. Download of the Dead
    2. WolfQuest Is Go!
    3. Deep Blue Sea
    4. Zoning, Out
    5. Snowy Joe
    1. China, Gambling, And Virtual Conflict