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June 2009 Archive

    1. Push, That's It, Come On, PUSH!
    2. An Hour With... Ghostbusters
    3. Pirate Bay Goes Legal: What Now For PC Games?
    4. The Quest Journal: Mysteries of Westgate Interview
    5. Hack, Therefore Slash: Captain Blood Walkthrough
    6. China Bans Goldfarming (Not)
    7. Mind If I Come In: Dreamkiller
    1. I Would Pay...
    2. New Star Soccer 4.07: Can You Click It?
    3. Starcraft II: Footage, Strange Decisions
    4. A Fool In Morrowind, Day 5 - Big Jobs
    5. My Uzi Weighs A (Skele)ton (Boy): Friendly Fire
    6. Wot I Think: Arma II
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. Blue Sky Thinking: Aerosoft Dare To Dream
    1. Why Can't I... Teleport In MMOs?
    2. Didn't Beat It: Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
    3. Skaven Mad: Blood Bowl Released, Expensive
    4. A Fool In Morrowind, Day 4 - Existential Crisis
    5. How To Raise A Dragon
    6. Men Of War Expandalone: Red Tide
    7. Getting Serious: Serious Sam HD
    8. Magic Tricks: Trine Demo
    1. Australia To Ban Rest Of World, Probably.
    2. Now Battling: Battlefield Heroes
    3. An Hour With... Transformers 2
    4. Harry Potter And The Free Demonstration Program
    5. Full Metal Demo: Arma II
    6. Lasers For Eyes: Champions Evil Lair Trailer
    7. A Fool In Morrowind, Day 3 - Fort Stupid
    1. Zeno Clash Enters The Pit: Free DLC This Weekend
    2. Rock, Paper, Houseshare: The RPS Sims
    3. LFG: Mythic and Bioware Merged By EA
    4. Erk - Bethesda's Masters Buy id. Bethidsda?
    5. Earth, Wind & Firepower: Kingdom Elemental Demo
    6. The Church of Me: Sims and Religion. Why not?
    7. Max Payne 3: Baldy's Death Gallery
    8. A Fool In Morrowind, Day 2 - Granny
    9. Dawn Of War II Megapatch Incoming, Battlereport
    1. A Fool In Morrowind, Day 1 - Trousers
    2. How Do You Play? Use Boxmen
    3. One Life Left: Goodbye Gordon
    4. Choose Your Own Fractal: Polynomial
    1. A Fool In Morrowind: Précis, Take 2
    2. RPS At E3: Sweeping Up
    3. Disk? Go? Machinegun!: GameGun! The Gamegun!
    4. Empire: Total War DLC And 1.3 Patch
    5. Bloodbowl: Quick Q&A And New Trailer
    6. Aion: Ooh, Impressive Developer Blather
    7. The Complete 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game
    8. Time Gentlemen, Please: Point'n'Click Sequel Joy
    9. French Revolution: Enter the Story: Les Miserables
    10. Fuel: Around The World In Eight Hours
    1. The Sunday Papers
    2. eDiving: Swim With Sharks, Slither With Sea Slugs
    1. Continuing Sky Wars: Air Buccaneers
    2. Autó-demo Internacional: V8 Superstars Racing
    1. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Cards
    2. "Questionable Moral Character"
    3. Astral Projection: Allods Online
    4. Stompy: Operation Flashpoint 40k Mod
    1. What's Going On With Ghostbusters?
    2. This Is A Bird Call: Learning To Fly
    3. Arma II: First Impressions
    4. CitiesXL: A First Look
    5. Morning Webgame: I Love Traffic
    1. Famed Victories Of The Sky!
    2. Desert Island Discoveries: Anno 1404 Demo
    3. A Fool In Morrowind: Précis
    4. Desktop Tower Defence: Rejiggered
    5. It Lives: Indie MMO Golemizer
    6. Reviewed Ratings System Review Reviewed
    7. Let's Play Some Air Buccaneers
    1. Some Thoughts On Crane Wars
    2. Tea & Boatviolence: East India Company
    3. Wot I Think: Prototype
    4. So Anyway, Dawn of Discovery Looks Intricate
    5. Bring The Crane: Blurst's Crane Wars
    1. The All Aspect War Demo: A Veritable Saga
    2. Streetfighter IV: Demo Of A Demo
    3. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Backgammon
    4. Free Realms: Three Million In Seven Weeks
    5. Underdogfight: Home Of The Underdogs Returns
    6. Ratta Tatta Tatta Tatta: Altitude Demo
    7. Shadowplay: Somnia
    8. Introversion: "To Our Credit, We Survived"
    1. Roburky's Dwarf Fortress Diary
    2. The Sunday Papers
    3. Day Of The Jackals: The Brits Invade CMSF
    1. Released, Demoed: Blueberry Garden
    2. Simply Splendid: Minecraft Multiplayer
    1. Imp-ortant News: Overlord II Demoified
    2. The Littlest Robo: Little Wheel
    3. Bloody Hell: ArmA 2 Vids
    1. Pyramod: Curse Episodes
    2. Star Trick: Radiator Episode 1
    3. Hexyback: Conquest! Medieval Realms Demo
    4. Cryptic To Make Neverwinter Nights MMO?
    5. RPS At E3: Global Agenda
    6. All Aspect Warfare Demo
    7. Pitchford Talks Borderlands
    1. Supreme Commander 2: Supremier
    2. Battlefield 3/Heroes/1943/Bad Company 2
    3. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Ludo
    4. The RPS Electronic Wireless Show Episode 21
    5. You Might As Well Jump: Takishawa Is Dead
    6. RPS At E3: Dragon Age - Origins
    7. EA: The Sims 3 "The Most Successful PC Launch"
    1. Max Payne 3: Fat, Bald, Beard
    2. Dungeons & Dragons: Still Online, Also Free
    3. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Draughts
    4. Phasers To Stun: Ancient Galaxy
    5. RPS At E3: Returns To Monkey Island
    6. More Just Cause 2 Lunacy
    7. CrimeCraft Footage, Dev Speak
    1. Death To SecuROM!
    2. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Chinese Checkers
    3. Action Half-Life 2: The Sauce Of Death
    4. Dying In The Gutters: America's Army Comic Book
    5. RPS At E3: APB - The Most Important Game At E3
    6. Frontier Psychiatry: Wurm Online Interview
    1. Germany Moves To Ban Violent Videogames
    2. The Sunday Papers
    3. 1066: Shield Walls And Stench Weasels
    1. Are You Listening Carefully? The Path Demo Out
    1. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Dominoes
    2. E3 09 Diary: Award Show!
    3. Metal Gear Solid 5 On PC. Woo?
    4. Drive a Volvo For Free
    5. RPS At E3: Mass Effect 2
    6. E3 09 Diary: Day Three
    7. Mount & Blade: Warband: Multiplayer - Multiplayier!
    8. E3 09: Assassin's Creed II Dev Walkthrough
    9. RPS At E3: Homefront
    1. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Chess
    2. 7-in-1 Magnetic Family Game: Introduction
    3. E3 09 Diary: Day Two
    4. RPS At E3: Just Cause 2
    5. Valve On L4D2: "Trust Us A Little Bit"
    6. RPS At E3: Borderlands
    7. RPS At E3: Mafia II's Buzzsaw
    8. E3 09: The Agency Developer Walkthrough
    1. The Witcher: No Sequel Yet, But More Stuff
    2. The Heroes And Villains Of Majesty 2
    3. E3 09 Diary: Day One
    4. RPS At E3: Star Wars - The Old Republic
    5. RPS At E3: Brink Revealed
    1. Aliens Vs Predator: Rumble In The Jungle
    2. The Old Republic - "This Changes Everything"
    3. Ultra-Spider-Man: Just Cause 2
    4. Splinter Cell 5 - "Who Said Anything About Hiding?"
    5. EA To Publish APB, Trailer
    6. E3 09: Alan Wake, Lots Of Footage
    7. E3 09: Modern Warfare 2 Stage Demo
    8. The Left 4 Dead 2 Trailer
    1. Left 4 Dead 2: Exclusive RPS Hands-On Preview
    2. Left 4 Dead 2 - Podcast With Chet Faliszek
    3. LeChuck Me: Monkey Island Returns
    4. Blur: Sadly Not About Racing Faded Britpoppers
    5. This'll Sell Well: Lego Harry Potter
    6. Crysis 2: Multi-Format Boogaloo
    7. E3 09: Mini Ninjas Trailers
    8. E3 09: Mass Effect 2 Trailer
    9. E3 09: Mafia II Trailer